Deep Learning (DL) projects have a plethora of hyper-parameters. Especially in research, they are like knobs that should be adjusted to yields the best results. There are multiple ways one can manage these hyper-parameters in Python. In this article, I’m going to discuss 3 common approaches.

Argument Parser

The first approach which is very easy and common is to use Python’s built-in argument parser module. All we need to do is to define some parameters preferably with default values or pass/change them during the program execution. Let’s create a simple script called

# import the module
import argparse

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # create a parser object
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # define some arguments
    parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=64, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('--num_epochs', default=200, type=int)

    # access the define arguments in project
    args = parser.parse_args()

When experimenting with different values for hyper-parameters, we can change the value of each argument when running the script:

python --batch_size 32 --num_epochs 100

Arguments that have a double dash (--) at the beginning of their name are optional. If you don’t put -- at the beginning of the argument name, it means that the argument is positional and should be provided when executing the script. You can read more about argparse module at official docs.

This approach is effortless to implement and can be easily changed in experiments with different values. But, it has some downsides too. If the project has a lot of hyper-parameters to handle, which in research, it is usually the case, this list can become extensive. One way to circumvent this issue is to create a separate python file to hold and parse these parameters. Then, the only thing that needs to be done, is to change the default value when you want to experiment with other values.

Using Auxiliary File Formats

We can also use an extra file (with different extension) to manage the hyper-parameters. Here, I’m going to introduce 3 different common files to store hyper-parameters.

.ini File

Python has a built-in module to parse .ini files, therefore using .ini. file to store parameters in Python is easy. Also, in .ini files we can group hyper-parameters based on their usage. Let’s create a config.ini file:

epochs = 200
learning_rate = 1e-4

root = ./
save_model = ./save
log = ./logs

Here, we separated the parameters into two groups, one is related to training the model, and the other is related to managing directories. We need a helper function to help us parse the config.ini file.

# import the required module
import configparser

def config_parser(module_name: str=None) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """A helper function which receive the config category name,
       and returns a dictionary containing the values of 
       hyper-parameters of the specific category
    # create a config parser object
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # pass it the absolute address of config.ini file"config.ini")
        # if the key present in the config file, return it
        return config[module_name]
    except KeyError as err:
        print(f"Module name should be one of the:\n "
              f"{config.sections()} not {err}")

Now that we have a helper function to parse the config file, we can use it wherever we want in the main script to obtain required hyper-parameters:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    DIRECTORIES = config_parser("DIRECTORIES")
    TRAINING = config_parser("TRAINING")

    # treat the files like dictionary

One thing that should be noted here is that the config parser treats each value as a string, therefore, we need to convert it to the desired data type. And it only supports one level deep hierarchy. But the bright side is that it keeps your main script cleaner and shorter.

Python Script as a Config Manager

We can also use an auxiliary python file to hold hyper-parameters. Create a file called containing only a dictionary:

config = {
    "epoch": 200,
    "learning_rate": 1e-4,
    "root": "./"

We can add all model hyper-parameters as a dictionary. For different parts of the model we can create different dictionaries and use them as follows:

from configs import config

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(config["epoch"], type(config["epoch"]))
    print(config["root"], type(config["root"]))
    print(config["learning_rate"], type(config["learning_rate"]))

In contrast to .ini file, the data types are reserved and there is no need for conversion. As easy as this approach is, but it is not very common. The reason for this is that it is not language agnostic.

YAML Files

YAML file format is increasingly becoming more popular due to readability and conciseness. There are multiple third-party libraries to handle YAML files in Python. Create config.yaml file:

  # flip dataset consists of 256 images
    batch: 32
    shuffle: True
  # flot dataset consists of 1024 images
    batch: 64
    shuffle: False
  root: "./"
  logs: "logs/"

As we can see, it supports multi-level hierarchy configs and even comments! In the above case, we have two different datasets, flip-dataset and flop-dataset with different configurations. To parse this file, we need a third-party library such as OmegaConf, PyYAML or Confuse. Here, I’m going to use PyYAML. Install it using your favorite Python package manager:

pip install --user pyyaml

We can use it in our project as follow:

import yaml

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("config.yaml") as f:
        config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)


The good thing is that it also reserves data types and is language agnostic. One benefit of OmegaConf with respect to other libraries is that the parameters are treated as attributes and we can call them like attributes of a class by using . notation. One think that should be kept in mind is that, if we want using attribute calling notation, we should be careful with our naming. For example in the config above, name flip-dataset is not a valid python variable name (why?). Instead use underscores like flip_dataset.

from omegaconf import OmegaConf

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = OmegaConf.load("config.yaml")


You can use different file formats of your choice such as JSON and XML to declutter the project codebase. But managing nested configs with such formats is exasperating.


In situations where we have a huge project with a plethora of hyper-parameters, multiple datasets, multiple optimizer and we want to experiment with different values but we are short on time, Hydra is the hero we want. It is “a framework for elegantly configuring complex applications” developed at Facebook. It uses YAML, therefore inherent its advantages. It also gives us the ability to run multiple experiments in parallel with different configurations. We can put all our configuration files in a separate directory such as configs. We can also create different folders to hold different configurations (called config group) for different parts of the project to prevent extensive config files and easily alternate between them. Another cool feature of hydra is that you can treat YAML keys as arguments and change them when executing the program like argparse module. If you see the need to use hydra in your project, its tutorial page is comprehensive. It is a feature-packed framework and writing a tutorial about it is out of scope of this short article.

Wrapping up

Although it seems that the approaches above are incrementally get better and better, but actually, it is not the case. All of these approaches have their own pros and cons. Choosing one is highly correlated to your project’s size and needs. I hope by showing simple examples I could give you an insight on how to choose an approach. So, which one is your favorite approach?